
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

what better place to start....

Than with shoes. I know I haven't given a whole lot of info about myself yet, and this is primarily because I intended on starting out with a website (but I found that a flash site was a little too much visual and did not have much in line of capability when it comes to words), then I moved onto the idea of doing wordpress blog (in which I made a little post or two--but I found it exceedingly difficult to figure out the design details for that). I guess that just goes to show how much of a Novice blogger I really am.

I hope you all, once I get some followers anyway, can find it in your hearts to forgive me.
So as I was saying, what better place to start than with Shoes! Shoes are kind of the anchor to a fashionable outfit. I'm actually more of a flip-flops kind of girl, but out here in Korea I found a pair of boots very similar to this in a store and just had to have them. Fashionable shoes in South Korea are kind of a big deal! Coming from California it's a really different mindset, I never saw girls in heels this much before! Sure girls would wear them to the club and if they were on the red carpet but other than that they were kind of out. Maybe it's just the social circles I ran in... who knows. Anywho, I've tried wearing wedges all day out here--and I could barely do that. So the other fashionable shoe alternative out here in South Korea: boots.

 (my pair)
I got boots very similar to these in a store called Sisters by PNU. I was so stoked they had some in my size (because American sizing is much larger all around than Korean sizing) that I knew immediately I was going to buy them. They were a tight fit, but nothing like Cinderella's ugly stepsisters status so I just had to get them.  I think the lady could read the word sucker across my face though because she said $59,000 won and I paid it. That's roughly the equivalent of $55. Now I've paid similar prices back home for boots so I had no idea how much I was getting ripped off.

So, instead I suggest you buy them from Forever 21 at a much more reasonable price point of $35.80. These shoes much like mine I feel have a remarkable improvement over Doc Martens. The side zip closure makes getting out of the boots as easy as pie. I never got around to breaking in my pair because of the pain-in-the-bum laces and the thicker material just didn't have as much give.

Anywho, these combat boots give a real stylish edge to any outfit. I love the because you can wear them with dresses, or tights and still show them off. Of course you can wear them with a pair of jeans too, but unless they are skinny jeans you'll be covering up most of the cool details like the laces and the buckles.

I love adding a military grungy vibe to my outfits, even if the rest of the look is glamour, femininity, and grace. I've got a really eclectic sense of style and enjoy layering on different motifs to create something that is uniquely my own. Needless to say these boots would also be great for a street-style urban kind of look as well. (:

1 comment:

  1. I really like PNU so you are living in Busan then? thanks for following my blog I would like to hear more from you what you like? Where you like to go? What do you do in Korea I imagine teaching how long you have been here things like that. I live in Busan and I am a teacher go figure I have been here 3 years and am ready to go back home... Where are you from by the way? WELCOME To Korea please post again
